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Original Article
Investigation of the correlation of prognostic parameters in cases of endometrium carcinoma
Aims: Endometrial carcinoma is the most common gynecological cancer in developed countries and the second most common in Turkey. Due to its significant impact on survival rates, recurrence rates, as well as treatment and post-treatment approaches, identifying and studying prognostic factors is of great importance. This article aims to review the prognostic parameters established for endometrial carcinoma and investigate the studies and findings related to these parameters.
Methods: The study included 50 patients who underwent surgery for endometrial carcinoma at our clinic between January 1999 and May 2001. Investigations and results related to prognostic factors in endometrial carcinoma were examined in these patients.
Results: The average age of the patients was found to be 56.72 ± 8.02 years. %70 of the patients were in Stage 1, 6% were in Stage 2, 22% were in Stage 3, and the remaining 2% were in Stage 4. Peritoneal cytology was positive in 5 out of 41 patients in whom peritoneal cytology was examined (12.2%). Among the 49 patients evaluated for myometrial invasion, 11 had tumor confined to the endometrium without myometrial invasion. In 16 patients, there was 1/3 inner myometrial invasion, 15 patients had 1/3 middle myometrial invasion, and 7 patients had 1/3 outer myometrial invasion. When we compared grade and depth of myometrial invasion in the cases examined, it was observed that out of 17 patients with Grade 1 tumors, 1 had deep myometrial invasion (½ outside), while out of 22 patients with Grade 2 tumors, 8 had deep myometrial invasion, and out of 4 patients with Grade 3 tumors, 3 had deep myometrial invasion.
Conclusion: The results of the examination of prognostic parameters, including age, histological grade, myometrial invasion, peritoneal cytology, histological type, adnexal spread, and tumor size, in the studied patient group were consistent with previous research in this field.

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Volume 2, Issue 1, 2024
Page : 1-6