As of January 2023, our "Journal of Controversies Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics" has been published under the Medihealth Academy to publish all articles, reviews and case reports on Pediatrics, especially in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology. In order to facilitate the citation of the articles, to take our place in internationally respected indexes and to reach a wider readership, we will pay attention to the fact that our article language is only English in terms of acceptance.

EndNote Style
Case Report
Treatment experience with laser of perianal giant condylomas in a pregnant patient
Condyloma acuminatum is a multitude of large giant polypoid lesions with exophytic appearance that occur in and around the vagina, cervix, anal and perineal region as a result of human papilloma virus (HPV) infection. The most commonly preferred treatments for these lesions currently include surgical excision, laser, electrocautery and/or trichloroacetic acid application. A 33-year-old woman with 2nd pregnancy, parity 1, complained of a painful bleeding itchy mass around the anus at the gynecologic control approximately 1 week before delivery. She stated that these masses, which were very small a few months ago, had grown rapidly in the last few weeks. No condyloma was detected in the cervix and vagina. During the general surgical examination, giant condylomas with fragile bleeding were detected in the perianal region on the right and left sides of the anal entrance

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Volume 2, Issue 3, 2024
Page : 69-71