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Original Article
The importance of CA-125 and clinical markers in ovarian cancer
Aims: In this study, considering all the known facts about ovarian cancer; The aim of this study is to retrospectively examine the factors related to the etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and prognosis of ovarian cancer, to determine the population at risk, and to try to catch cancer before it progresses or at an early stage by controlling it more frequently and early.
Methods: A total of 99 patients who were operated for adnexal mass in Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology between 1 January 2011 and 31 December 2020 and whose final pathology resulted as alignant were included in our study. Patients with borderline results were not included in our study. Of these 99 patients age, gravityparity, menopausal status, presence of additional disease, symptoms, CA-125 level, tumor burden, tumor diameter and structure, presence of ascites, presence of implant, lymph node involvement, frozen pathology result, tumor type, stage, complications were investigated.
Results: In this study, the mean age at diagnosis was 51.04 years. It was observed that 55.6% of the patients were postmenopausal. The most common tumor type was identified as epithelial tumors. It has been determined that the patients are mostly in the advanced stage. When the relationship between the stage and the presence of lymph node and ascites fluid was examined, it was observed that lymph node involvement and presence of ascitic fluid increased in advanced stages. It has been observed that the universe progresses as the CA-125 level rises. It has been demonstrated that CA-125 is higher in patients with residual tumors. In addition, CA-125 levels were higher in patients with lymph node involvement than in those without involvement, in patients with bilateral tumours than in those with unilateral tumours, in patients with ascites than in those without ascites, and in epithelial type tumours than in other tumour types.
Conclusion: Although scientific research has been carried out on many markers for ovarian cancer, especially Ca-125, it is difficult to detect it at an early stage since routine ovarian cancer screening is not possible under today’s conditions. Even though it is not specific, if some symptoms such as abdominal pain are present in older women, considering ovarian cancer among the preliminary diagnoses may help detect more patients at an early stage.

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Volume 2, Issue 3, 2024
Page : 58-63