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The effect of pilates and yoga during pregnancy on birth outcomes: traditional review
Regular exercise during pregnancy has been reported to have positive effects on birth outcomes. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) state that pregnant women should perform at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise per week. Pilates and Yoga exercises are frequently preferred exercises during pregnancy. Pilates is an exercise model based on the integrity of mind and body. Pilates exercises are one of the most preferred exercises for pregnant women to improve their psychological and physical functions. Pilates exercises during pregnancy have been reported to decrease the rate of perineal injury, the rate of episiotomy application, the duration of labor and pain perception in labor, while increasing the rate of vaginal delivery and postpartum satisfaction level. It is also reported to improve neonatal Apgar score. Yoga is one of the most preferred exercises to improve maternal-fetal health and perinatal outcomes during pregnancy. Yoga is a traditional exercise method based on the unity of body, mind and spirit with breathing techniques and asanas. Yoga exercises during pregnancy have been reported to decrease the rate of vaginal delivery, use of induction of labor, analgesia requirement, preterm delivery rate, degree of episiotomy rupture, duration of labor and pain perception, while increasing the level of Apgar score of the newborn, birth weight of the newborn and postpartum comfort level. More evidence-based studies examining the effect of Pilates and yoga exercises on birth outcomes are needed in the literature. The aim of this review is to examine the results of studies conducted to determine the effect of Pilates and yoga exercises during pregnancy on birth outcomes.

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Volume 2, Issue 4, 2024
Page : 89-93