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Effects of yoga exercise in the postpartum period on physical and psychological health
Women may experience many physical and psychological problems in the postpartum period. She prefers non-pharmacological interventions in solving problems, thinking that pharmacological interventions may harm her and her babies' health. Since physical and psychological problems affect each other, it is important to provide holistic interventions to solve problems. Yoga stands out as an adaptable, comfortable and accessible method that can provide women with a holistic physical, mental and spiritual recovery in the postpartum period. Increased blood flow and strengthening of the muscles with yoga in the postpartum period improves abdominal strength, muscle endurance, coordination and also provides flexibility and balance. Blood flow to the pelvic floor and strengthening of the muscles accelerate the healing and involution of the perineum. Exercises stimulate the hormones oxytocin and prolactin, increase breast milk production and reduce breastfeeding problems. In addition to its physical effects, such as reducing postpartum weight by increasing basal metabolic rate, yoga provides psychological healing and increases bonding. Yoga is in the category of moderate-intensity exercises recommended in the postpartum period and can be practiced safely by women. This review aims to guide health professionals and mothers by examining the benefits of yoga practices started in the postpartum period. In addition, it aims to evaluate existing studies on yoga practices in the postpartum period and to contribute to the literature by compiling information.

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Volume 3, Issue 1, 2025
Page : 19-23